Great earth

Great earth since your birth

Stories of parents and parents before

Stories of how things are not how they used to be

Stories of rain glistened April’s Ray, signs of summer on its way.

Tales of winters full of snow and up and down with the sledge we’d go.

Great mother do not fear there is a new generation appearing near

A generation that has no fear of pulling things apart and making clear

That the values of success, money and all other things

Are meaningless if there’s no great earth to see

So if you please and stand up with me

Let’s nurture and protect this mother, this great mother, that gave birth to both you and to me and all other possibilities.

Mother Earth

You saw that I was plentiful so you took more and more,

You saw that I was becoming poor, yet you took some more,

You saw that I was hurting, yet you poked that sore,

You saw I was suffering, yet you hurt me more,

You saw me convulsing and your response was revolting,

Now you are feeling the karma and your begging for me to be calmer,

Now you are feeling the pain and wishing to remain,

Now you reach out for me and one another,

Only now do you see your mother cry,

But yet you still say it’s him not I

Give thanks

It’s time to give thanks
It’s time to give thanks for the things I have been,
It’s time to give thanks for the things I’ve seen
It’s time to give thanks for all the things I dream
Yes it’s time to give thanks for all those things still unseen
Unseen and maybe unknown
Remaining hidden and never shown
Oh yeah I still believe it’s only love that can help us grow
And reveal possibilities of the blessed know
—always love—


To your way I look and gaze for a while,
And to sweeten the sight you give me a smile,
There I am caught, captured but not in denial,
For it is you that I know in my heart for more than a while.
I exposed and wow
I thought I had never felt love
Until this meeting of us
Tears from my eyes
Surprise and delight
This love you have brought to my life
—always love—

A few things I have to thank from you…

A few things I have to thank from you…
Sunny walks, stunning views and plenty of off track too.
Daring climbs and descents are the first of two.
But there is so much more I have to thank from you.
Woodland strolls, hill tops phew, who would guess I’d see these to.
Distant challenges and bluebells blue, and here I am again thanking you
Painful days and good ones too, no longer stuck with one point of view
Standing up and laying back, who knew they would change me to.
Wind, rain, snow and storms a few,
But none of these could not stop me thanking you.
And the only way I knew is by showing you just what I can do.
I’m not done yet so before I’m through, I still have so much more to do.
I’m signing off now but before I do, I would just like to say,
Both bouncer and I are thanking you.

25 years

Well it’s a quarter of a century to this day
That I was in a place so very far away
Not place you book or plan to go
But a place I love and know.
It was in this place I found my peace
And all of life’s worries seem to cease
No thoughts of tomorrow or yesterday made
Surrounded by love, peace and no longer afraid
For an eternity I begged and pleaded to stay
But that voice commanded me ‘now boy you’re on your way’
So back I returned to the arms of my mother
Who was carrying my little brother!
So one left at home and one on the way!
Now boy you have a reason to stay.
As I look back, those two phrases to my mother I did tell
“I didn’t want to come back” “I did it this time mum, didn’t I?”
Oh I remember it, hell!
How did she take it so well?
Only the strength of a mother could tell.
So anyway after two weeks of cucumber sandwiches and stories from home,
Benny And The deathwatch watch from the program Crossroads!
I managed to survive and make it back ok,
In the second aircraft complete with Ray Bans hey couldn’t forget them!
So there I was back in the UK for the first month in isolation hidden away
Masks, caps and gowns could not obscure
Those loving eyes of those I hold dear.
Then came the day I got my first chair,
Off I was going who knows where?
Just the chance to get out, to see and explore
As I did as a child, just a few years before.
The phlebotomist would ask where is he now?
“hah no chance you vamps, I’m up and around, you’re not catching me now!
And good luck catching me when I’m back in Stroud.
So, 25 years on! From where I came from
As I sit and await my new throne
Again I get the chance to explore and to roam all those places I am proud to call home.
All this would not have a chance to be,
If it was not for those friends who could see,
I was in need of some help and they gave it for free
Without a doubt it is strength they gave me
To now continue to be the best I can be.

Okay I am done and it’s more than enough from me
But if by chance you do see,
A big Green chair, bouncer and me
Shout out hey another Stroudie 😀


Through the streets and Fields I do roam

Looking for memories of the child i have known

The streets, the House’s, the names, all look different now

But the memories still stand and I’m proud

of the great fun that child had growing up in the great place called Stroud.

Back then no fences, no borders could keep us in, only that distant hymn

Only that Winston’s ice cream ding, that could make us forget almost everything

and at haste we would dash, right back home for the cash

And I’m sure as we would bang, our mums would hang and make us wait

as they did not realise our need for haste and the possibility of out doing our mates

The competition is the best ice cream wins

And just like kids we end it all with the same thing


Grumpy shit

It seems on the surface I’m grumpy shit

But it seems have had too much time to sit, contemplate and look around, thinking of those things I found

I have seen beauty in all, however in a few I have seen beauty without flaw.

Those people with compassion and Grace whose presence can never be replaced

These are the people who’s beauty stands tall like a majestic cedar rising above them all.

As I believe I have mentioned before it is those ripples of life that are most welcomed upon my Shore

And to those things I do, abore I say, you’re not welcome on these shores no more.

so if you look at me and see a frown, just remember I’m looking around to find out bits of Beauty in the dirt I found!