Inspired by nature’s child

A walk with nature’s child.

Should be free and easy, in no way hard

Whether woodland path, Street or yard, she shall find some wisdom to impart.

Maybe some healing tree, bush or plant.

There are many ways to enrich your heart.

—always love—-

So much to do

Oh my gosh I have so much s*** to do

I just need some warmth to see it through

Gentle breeze and friends at ease

These are some of the things I need

Clear blue skies and clearer minds

Will allow those details to be revealed with time.

Trust and understanding too, these will help me see it through.

—always love—-


Positivity is not about being all happy and joyful,

Positivity is really just trying to place as little obstacles in your way of achieving your goals

To remember keep your thoughts positive do not obscure your way with negative thoughts

Just be present, move forward with each step in the present and the future will be revealed in front of you.

Enjoy the path you take and remember to love and appreciate all that comes your way.

Just a thought! Anyway

—always love—-


Words pass like planets hurtling around the sun

Your minds only focus on things left undone.

As if echoing the earth’s own magnetosphere, preventing waves from getting here

You have formed your bubble and keep it near, receiving only what you wish to hear

But maybe, just maybe, that day it bursts

Then you might see those ones you hurt.

So keep your bubble and keep it near but just remember it’s only there due to the things you fear.

Oh stray hair

Oh stray hair you flicker there across my sight, like candles fires flame close to midnight.

You remind me of sunny days and things to come.

You remind me of funny days and things I’ve done.

You remind me to continue to stretch and who knows grow.

In a way that is true to me and that I know.

—always love—-

Always love

Always love! Always love! I hear you say.

But this pain and emotion just won’t go away.

Always love! Always love! I hear you say.

But the problem is, it’s my life that just gets in the way.

Always love! Always love! I hear you say.

But you can only say this because you must have hidden yours away.

Always love! Always love! Is what I say.

Love the things that hurt the most and even those you throw away

Keep examining and look some more when you find it, love it more.

Love those things you feel inside and even those you wish to hide.

Love them all and love them true then you’ll find they will become part of you.

A loving whole, at ease and at rest.

Even those parts you once did detest.

—always love—-

Love all

We have gone from caring for the subject, valuating and appreciating all that it gives us.

To the altered state of caring about what it gives us and not valuing, appreciating the subject.

We have echoed this in both life and our relationship with the universe, nature and people we know.

We care for what the apple tree or honey bee can provide, rather than the roots or even hive.

We care only what the other gives and provides for us to gain, rather than what is really behind the name.

If you are like me and you feel this is completely insane.

Let us make love our target, our goal and our aim.

—always love—-

Money cash

Remember those lyrics “Money Talks, Money Talks, Dirty Cash I want you, Dirty Cash I need you…”

Well money Talks, money forks you away from your life’s true position and clouded those important decisions

Money talks. Money Talks And fogs up your clarity and leaves you in an unwanted position

Of money talks, money talks and struggling with division.

So please let your money thoughts come with love and your utmost clarity of vision

—always love—-

Language of empathy

I heard you speak before your lips gave way

I felt those words you had meant to say, even those that would scare you away

I felt your joy before your eyes could say, please never let this from me stray

I felt that pain you were compelled to shut and hide away. And here I am still, not gone away.

This, I guess, I call love, or maybe empathy conjures far less pain, after all it’s just a name!

—always love—-


In your pond or lake of life, do the waters lay still or is there trouble and strife?

When your Waters are disturbed how does that affect your life?

How long do these disturbances remain before you can return to what you like?

Do you even remember what a still pond is like?

If the answer to the last question was true, then to me it seems quite obvious just what you should do?

Make your life that still calm lake, live your life and live your life true.

—always love—-


Sometimes it is easier to communicate with the bees, the trees and the incoming breeze. Than it is to share, relate and reveal to those you wish to please.

Sometimes it is easier to share with nature all that you hold and treasure.

Sometimes the passing seasons reveal, those deeper inner thoughts and reasons.

Sometimes all it takes is to sit and learn to be at ease with all you see as disease.

And who knows, your body, mind and soul might just know and reveal exactly what it needs.

Autumn rain

Leaves fall as autumn rain

Remind us all it’s that time again

The rush of wind, a light leaf flurry

Back inside again we must hurry

As closely followed by dancing leaves

The rain starts falling from behind the trees

The grey clouds they gather in

Calling time out on this which we did begin

But the rain will stop, clouds will start to thin

And out we will go, to begin again

Never give up and never give in

Even if this means you have to begin again! 😊

—- always love —-

Passing time

In the passing waves of universe

Which one do you choose?

Do you choose to dive beneath the waves and face the particles

Or do you choose to ride the high waves and surf your way through life enjoying the highs and lows that come with a wave.

Or do you simply continue to be on the path you are continuing straight on no matter what the highs and lows are in life?

Each path takes a great challenge and all is relative to the individual but the destination is the same so it’s up to you to choose your ride in life

One more year

One more year until 30 comes

I sit here now and reflect on what I’ve done

At 29 in real time, I recollect looking out and saying is this my time

And here we at 29 extra time

I look around and say this is all of mine

Only temporary while I am here but these are things I hold close and dear

My baby boy buttons bounce rests and reflects with mine

What is this concept of given time?


I’m not sure how much time I have

Or how much time I have to go

But as I’m travelling on this earth I shall shred all the things I know

So if you read these words when I’m no longer here

Just remember there’s one or two that you should hold close and dear

Emotion devotion

Often people have no devotion to the emotion that they feel when they speak the words that they speak

They have no regard for the emotion or devotion that you put have put forward before they speak the words they speak.

So just remember it’s there lack of devotion to the emotion they feel that has provoked the emotion you feel so give your emotion some devotion.


Always love